U-Pick Information
U-Pick RASPBERRIES are finished for 2024.
We are happy you want to visit our farm!

Not available for 2024.

Now finished for 2024. Thank you for visiting our Farm for u-pick raspberries.

Bring your own
Customers are welcome to bring their own 4L or 2L basketst to pick into.

Families are welcome
We will do our best to offer a great picking experience. Please make sure you check with us via our social media channels or website before your visit to confirm if we are open and for information on picking conditions.
We ask for your kindness, understanding and patience with our staff and managers. We look forward to welcoming you to our farm!
- Upon arrival to the field, please wait for direction from our staff.
- Stay in your assigned row.
- Always keep 2m physical distance from staff and other customers.
- Attempt to pick your assigned row cleanly.
- Leave pets at home.
Please be patient and respectful of our staff and customers.
If our guidelines are not followed, you may be asked to leave.
Thank you for understanding